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How Can I Cancel hide.me Subscription?

Last modified: March 11, 2022

Note: We use several payment gateways. For that reason, choose the one you’ve used in order to cancel your subscription.

In order to cancel a subscription via Cleverbridge payment gateway, find the cancellation link in your payment confirmation email. Alternatively, please contact them to cancel hide.me subscription. If you’re still having problems, please contact us and we will assist you further.

Our mobile subscriptions are handled by their store or purchase:

  • Go (here) for Play store purchase
  • Go (here) for Apple store purchases

To cancel hide.me subscription which you’ve taken with us via Paddle payment gateway, please follow the instructions below:

Login into your account. Afterwards click on Purchase History at the left tab followed my Manage Subscription link on the right.

hide.me purchase history

Next, click on the Cancel subscription link.

cancel subscription link

Now, pick a reason why you chose to cancel hide.me.

choose cancellation reason

Choose your cancellation reason and kindly provide us with more details in the white box. This will help us to understand why you’re leaving us. To finish, click on the Save button.

provide more details for cancellation

Finally, click on the Cancel Subscription button and you will cancel hide.me subscription.

subscription cancellation confirmation

Just to share, we are one of the best VPN providers in the world who strive to provide excellent service to everyone who uses our service regardless of them being our paid or free users.

If you’re cancelling your subscription because you can’t get our service to work, please consider contacting our support team first as we can resolve most of the cases that our customer reported.

If you’re no longer interested, you can proceed with the cancellation and we would like to thank you for trying out our service.

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